Monday, September 10, 2007

Inner-City Outreach

For Christian service class we are supposed to go on an outreach trip. Friday night was the first one for the year, and I was ready and excited. God has given me an inner excitement about reaching out to these people down in Indy. It's hard to describe, but it's great. So we set out and Brother Gibson(the pastor of Victory Chapel) started talking about some of the issues of working in the inner-city. Poverty, drugs, homelessness, etc. are all everyday life for some of these people (probably most of them). Ministry takes a different form for these people. For the first outreach we just passed out flyers, inviting them to come to Victory Chapel and if they were interested we could share the Basic Message of the Bible with them. I went with Heather, Ethan, and Win for the first street. We didn't have a lot of contact with people because a lot of the houses were empty, for rent or for sale, but we did get to talk with a few people. Then we went to a new location. I went with two other guys, Tommy and Nolan. This time we were just talking to the people who were out. We got to talk to a lot of groups. Some of them were interested and some weren't. I was able to talk to a couple of young girls that were out and some older men, who sounded interested in coming. I am really excited about being a part of something like this. On the way back we reviewed some of our experiences, which were all different and sang some choruses. One song sums it all up: "Heartaches, broken pieces, ruined lives is why He died on Calvary..." May God give us a greater burden for the lost.

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