It seems like the summer went by fast, yet it also seems to have been long. Today I am writing with severe poison ivy. My fingers are really swollen and bubbly. I just took a shower with dish soap and apple cider vinegar. Then I rubbed everything down with alcohol. I don't feel itchy, but I just hope everything starts drying up. I am approximately 12 weeks pregnant. I haven't had much trouble over all. Last week I had a few days that I had really bad migraines, but then I was fine. One thing that has become a pattern is getting sick after eating supper. It's kind of weird, because I'll be fine, and then I gotta get in the bathroom quick. At least I can tell when it's coming a little in advance. Roger has bee living with us a little over a month now. I feel bad for him that he has to be here when I'm sick and tired. Oh well, I guess he could go somewhere else if he wanted to. This next week our church is making the major schedule change. We are going to have a worship service at 10 AM for those who have parents and a ride. Then at 6 we will have Sunday
School and an "outreach" type service. I think it will be good, especially in the morning. We won't be there this first week, as we will be going down to Corydon to celebrate Labor Day with John Brown's in-laws, the Wisemans. We're going to have a mumu and camp out. Hopefully I won't be sick, and this poison ivy will be better. John and Carla had their baby. Her name is Liberty Dawn. She looks like Carla, a lot. Anyways, that's what has happened in this last month. My garden is still not producing. I don't know if it will get done before the cold comes. I guess we'll see. Becky Smith is now Becky Bailey. She had a beautiful wedding in WV. We went with my parents and Nate. It was nice. We stayed in a cabin and went to look at the New River Gorge. We told my parents about our baby while we were there. They were happy and worried that they weren't old enough to be grandparents... :) Nate wanted to get counseling... :) Grandma was really excited and let out a little shout when we told her. Well, that's probably enough for today.

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