Today is the first day of fall, and our A/C is still running. It was cool, and now it's warm again. I was really hot last night so after taking the A/C out of the window, Win brought it back in. I love him so much. He is so good to me. This past weekend we went to West Virginia for the independence celebration and to say good-bye to Kerai and Pelda. It was fun. I didn't do much, but it was nice to see everyone.
My poison ivy is finally gone; except for some dry skin. Yay! That was really terrible. Now I'm scared to go into the woods and pick up any type of plant. Don't want to get that again!!!
I went to a clinic last week and got an official pregnancy confirmation. I'm almost 16 weeks now. At the clinic they said that I was due in February, which is a month earlier than I expected. We'll see what the baby does. :) I haven't been sick, by God's grace, for awhile. I stopped taking the pills I was taking and am taking the prescription prenatal vitamins instead. They seem easier to take for some reason.
This Saturday I'm going to a garage sale and hope to make some money. Lynette, Becca, and maybe Jenn are going to be selling stuff. There's also a women's conference here in Indy with Nancy Leigh DeMoss, so I may be going to that, if I can get a free ticket. I've never been to a conference like that, for myself, so I think it will be neat. It's at the convention center downtown. That's one advantage to living in Indy; right where all the action is.
Our church bought a building and will be moving in next week, I think. Exciting. I'm going to be teaching a new age group, which I am very excited about. The 6 and unders, which translates to first grade and under. Yay!!! Crafts and stories will be fun again... Lynette and Aleks are going to teach the older class (9-11), and Becca will teach the middle age (7-8). I think it will work out much better. I am really excited about it. :) :) I need to start getting ready for my first class. I want it to be really good. Maybe bring in some treats or something.
Well, that's about the update of my life right now. The picture is from a few years ago in the fall. Me and Win need to go out and get some new pictures taken, desperately!!! :)
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