Step One: Put your WHOLE heart into your work. When we work in our homes, we are fulfilling a God-given task. When we clean up messes, vacuum, wash laundry, etc. we do it as working for the Lord. We don't want to be lazy or half-hearted. Proverbs 31:17 says, "She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks" (emphasis added).
Step Two: Make a schedule. I love lists and schedules but I think that even people that aren't "natural" organizers can benefit from having a basic schedule. Depending on where you are in this category, this may be harder or easier. But despite whether you like schedules, you have to plan ahead on what you are going to do, in order for things to run smoothly. For instance, maybe you want to have certain days for certain jobs. I like to do laundry on Mondays that way I have clean clothes for the rest of the week. Some people like to do their laundry throughout the week as they get a load. Having that idea though will save you from getting to an event and not having clothes to wear because you didn't plan ahead. Things are more likely to get done if you plan to do it, even if you don't get it done the specific day you planned.
Step Three: Put things in a specific place. Let everything have a home. If you can't find a home for it, ask yourself whether it's something you really need or want to keep. If it is, find a place to keep it; if not, find a new home for it- Goodwill, garage sale, give it away, sell it online, etc. This will make things much easier for you in the long run as you will know where everything is and won't spend valuable time trying to find it (unless you have small children who move it). Have a place for incoming mail and bills so they don't get lost, then once they've been taken care of, have a place to keep them for your records.
Step Four: Pick up after yourself. This goes back to the previous step, in putting things away. Try to put things back where they belong after you use them or when you see that they are out of place. Even young children can put things away when they get them out; I know because I have a 22-month old. If you are there with them, have them put away their toys after playing with them instead of getting everything out and having a huge job of putting everything back at once. This also helps them not to feel overwhelmed with a huge task. You won't feel as overwhelmed either, if you put away a few things here and there, before it becomes a huge looming pile. :)
Step Five: Do "light" cleaning. Sweep the floor if it needs it, vacuum, etc. Clean the dishes up and wipe up spills or other messes. Clean up as you go about your day. These are besides doing your main scheduled "event" (laundry, bathrooms, organizing, grocery shopping, etc.).
These tips are all "easier said, than done" at times, but just remember that your work is done for the Lord and He will help you with them.
Very good article! I always need reminding on things like this!!
Thanks for reading. I just now saw that you commented! I need the reminder too, which is one reason I decided to write it. :)
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