I just want to encourage anyone reading this blog to trust in the Lord, because He knows the plans that He has for you. He holds your future, and knows what He wants you to do. And where you will find the most satisfaction may be something completely different from where you think you want to go
in life. I have recently had to make a decision to trust the people in my life about a very serious issue. I had to make a decision that was kind of hard for me to make, even though I sort of thought it was going to have to be made, I didn't want to have to do it. Now there are some doubts in my mind, but it's good to know that I have surrendered the issue to God to do what He wants to do. It's good to know that God can take care of everything. He's been in control all along anyway, but it's good to remind myself, I guess. Anyways, my life is going in a direction now, and now I just have to prepare for the ride. Praise the Lord, that I don't have to wonder anymore! I am excited to see God work everything out in His timing. Have a wonderful Christmas time, remembering the real reason for CHRISTmas. Blessings!

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