Well, it is officially official that I am going to Union Bible College. I had been praying that I would get a work scholarship. I sent in my application (and was accepted) but they still needed a couple other things, so I decided to just go down there and talk to them and give them the paperwork. I gave them the paperwork, went looking around for the handbook several places and at the inside of a room, and then came back and the head of the financial stuff was going to the President to talk to him about the scholarship. Well, then eventually he came back and told me I got it!!!!! I could have cried, I was so excited.... sort of in disbelief, because I thought it would be too late, or I wouldn't qualify. Yay!!! God still answers prayer today. Anyways, they want me to come as soon as I can, so I am moving in on Monday. It's all happening so fast.... I was expecting to move down in 2-3 weeks, but no.... in 3 days!!!! I am really excited about it (if you can't tell already)!!!

Prayer Chapel

Girls' Dorm


"Old" main building-offices/academy/chapel
1 comment:
O WOW!!!!! I'm o happy for you Nichole! Wow. I shall miss you this year at school but I see God has other plans for you! :o)
Talk to you later!
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