Live in continued peace. But understand that peace does not depend upon the fervor of your devotion. The only thing you need to be concerned about is the direction of your will.
Give that up to God without reservation. The important question is not how religious you are, or how devoted, but rather is your will in harmony with God's? Humbly confess your faults. Learn to be detached from the world and completely abandoned to God. Love him more than yourself and His glory more than your life. The least you can do is to desire and ask for such a love. God will then pour out upon you that special love which only His children know and He will give you His peace.

from "Let Go" by Fenelon
Great post Nichole!
The blog looks nice:)
Keep up the good posts!
Very good post!
I love your blog! I'm glad you got one!:)
Oh and very cool picture!
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