God helped the leaders to know what to do. For instance, one day, we spent about the whole day on an excursion, which might not seem very "spiritual," however, God was working through that time together to help us to be united in Christ without barriers between anyone. We went in two groups- guys in one, and the girls in another. The girls went on about a 15-20 minute hike, I think, to this little creek that we were hoping to swim in. When we got there, the water level was not very high, so we weren't really able to swim the way some of us had thought. So we ate lunch there, and then started exploring a bit. God helped some of the girls to overcome fears that they had. I went with Karin and someone else to go see this little waterfall that everyone else had already seen. When we got there, I decided to go stick my head under the waterfall. As I was trying to get down without falling, I slid down and had a great ride! I went down 2 more times, and then went to get everyone else.... needless to say we went down the waterfall for about an hour.... it was fabulous!!!
God also really helped in the evenings when the girls had dorm devotions. We sang and then sometimes we had discussions about things, or reviewed about what had helped us that day. There were 15 or 16 girls there. Thursday night, we got back to the dorm late, so we weren't sure if we were going to have dorm devotions, but while we were waiting for the verdict, one of the girls came up and said that God had helped her to forsake all. That brought with it praise, but also burdens. We ended all ended up in my dorm room, and prayed together for different ones that wanted prayer to be able to break through. It was warfare. Different people, including myself, felt tied back in some ways, from getting the joy of the Lord, or from having complete victory, or some other request along those lines. I believe God really helped us to pray that night, and I am believing God to answer those prayers for each person.
I want to be thankful that I can be a part of a group where God's will is sought, and where I don't have to be afraid to obey God. God is still helping me and I am thankful.
Another thing we did was a witnessing trip. This year instead of going as a huge group, door-to-door or to shops, we went in small groups and had a Prayer Station at Walmart. I went on the last day, with 8 other people. We went up to people and asked them if there was anything that we could pray with them about. It was really easy and most people responded positively. Our group, because it was so big, split up into two, and one group stayed at Walmart and the other group walked around the other shops and the parking lot, praying prayers of blessings on people. It was great.
Praise the Lord for the victories that He gave me and for a renewed vision in walking with God, without the haze of the world, and other "good" things in the way. I'm looking forward to what God is going to do this year!
"Jesus is on the Throne!"