April 22nd
Monday (21st) we went to town and stocked up on groceries. Then we drove to Tambul area again. This time it was to support Kuglu, as he gave two different tribes demands for wrecking his son's PMV (public motor vehicle- like a bus). It was wrecked due to careless driving, while drunk. Each tribe will pay, to fix the vehicle; one 42,000K and the other 65,000K. From there, we saw Ivan and Joel's place, as well as Rex. (These are different guys that are currently here in the states.) It's been raining a lot, so it gets very muddy and slippery. I can hardly walk up the hill to the house without falling when it's so wet. I have to hold someone's hand or they hold onto my arms. Sometimes it gets quite humorous. :)

Sunday, (April 20th) we went to the youth camp for the morning service. It was super muddy, like the fairground parking sometimes, only much worse. The truck kept getting stuck. I sat with Joanna Poning and her daughters. James Poning preached. He was studying here in the states, and came to our house and saw his first snow. The announcements during the service were VERY long. Church started at 9, but the preaching didn't start until at least 12. The tent was packed, with everyone sitting cross-legged, or however, but with no room between.The tent was huge, but was completely packed and they had another tent set up where people were sitting and listening. Then we came home and Tres (Win's cousin) muumuu-ed some pork that Joseph Kera gave us. (His daughter is here studying.) That was very delicious. We had greens and cacao (sweet potatoes) too.

Saturday, we planned to go to the youth camp morning service, but just as we were getting ready to leave Roger (Jr.) and Naomi came up. So we stayed back and talked with them. Then later, we tried to do the shopping but everything was already closed. They close early, like 4 or 5. So then we got come boiled eggs and scones and ate that. They have Pineapple Fanta, which I like better than the orange. It's very good. When we finally got to the service it was the evening meeting and it was packed. They set up some plastic chairs for us by the stage. The service was long and I kept feeling so tired so I finally went and got in the truck to try to sleep. Then we went home using a "short-cut" road.
Never again... It was raining and foggy and the road wasn't paved (all this happened in the dark). There was a river and a big, muddy, rocky hill, plus Win was having trouble with the 4-wheel drive and clutch. I was
really scared. I don't get scared that easy, but this was very scary. I prayed and closed my eyes because I couldn't watch. We finally made it out- alive!!
Friday, some of the people went to Tambul where they gave the tribe 5 pigs, some for the family who lost their loved one, one for us, and some for some other things. I stayed home because Jabin had food poisoning. We took him to the clinic and the nurse gave us some medicines. They seemed to help him.
Today, (Tuesday) I stayed home while Win, Bill, and Clara, went back to where Jeffery's mom and dad live to get a pig. Win was going to straighten out our tickets, but I think he'll have to do it tomorrow.